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Health for every stage of life:
The "Senior" addition

As we age, our metabolic systems change. What worked in our thirties or forties now seem to cause heartburn or keep us awake at night. Our bodies are immaculate machines, taking any nutrition we give it, extracting the benefiting vitamins, minerals, fiber and water, and sending it through many processes in different cells to the areas that need it.

This system, responsible for breaking down food, extracting the good stuff, and converting it into usable components slows down, and the cells that do the work also become less efficient at the task. We lose natural occurring elements in our body like CoQ10, and Glutathione.

There are things we can do to help with the ageing of these cells, keeping them efficient for longer. Supplements containing antioxidant ability like Vitamin C, Glutathione, Quercetin, Curcumin and Omega 3s are all brilliant ways to assist the cells in your body to get rid of toxins. Botanicals like milk thistle can make sure your liver can flush all the toxins your antioxidants now carry to the liver for excretion. CoQ10 has proven to be a great aid in keeping cells young and strong for the work they need to do every day.

Supplements like Glutathione need to be taken two hours after your last meal, just before bed. This will maximize absorption. Vitamin C needs iron to be absorbed, so make sure the supplement you pick has a good combination for efficient absorption.

Even after a solid regimen of supplements and sleep, one big factor for excellent health and vitality is exercise. Walking first thing in the morning catching the first rays of the sun for about twenty minutes is an excellent way to ensure good sleep that night, and a healthy metabolic response to any nutrition you take in during the day.

If you would like to chat about troubling symptoms or want a referral to an integrative professional in your area, feel free to contact us.

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A healthy body needs different things at different stages in our lives


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