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Health for every stage of life:
The "Fussy family" addition

You know how they say a mechanic’s car is always broken? Well, I’m a nutritionist and there are days I just have to stand back and marvel at how my family chooses to eat. That being said, I am the one preparing the meals in this house. At some point I decided to listen to their bodies, or rather let them tell me what their bodies are telling them.

There is no sense in hitting your head against the same stone day in and day out. There is a very real chance that your picky eaters and veggie-phobic family members are listening to their insides and their insides don’t like tomatoes, or broccoli for a reason.

As long as they’re not consuming sugar at every meal, and at least engaging in some nutrition like protein and fortified foods, fiber and hydration maybe ease your own stress and rather focus on vitamin supplementation for the missing nutrients for the moment. Revisit the topic of healthy food as often as they allow and show them other kids who eat vegetables. You must eat yours too to be an example.

Our little one of five hasn’t really eaten fruit or vegetables unless I hide it somehow. Recently she has been noting that her friends all eat fruit, and she’s the only one that doesn’t. We explained that we offer it often. She can let us know when she’s ready to try it. We offered it frozen in lollies, as a smoothie, raw and cut up with peel removed… I know she will choose to try it on her own terms eventually. In the meantime, I need to remember not to manipulate or shame her for her choice right now. Once food became an issue, it can take a lifetime to unlearn.

So, breathe through it. Let go of the control. Flow with them and show them how, instead of forcing them into it. Listen to your body and help them learn to listen to theirs.

If you are really worried about your children (or your partner) and their eating habits, and you need tips on how to help them eat better, please feel free to contact us. We love to help with information.

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A healthy body needs different things at different stages in our lives


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